National Disability Advocacy Program
SWAA advocates work with and on behalf of a person with a disability. We will support you to speak out and defend your rights. An advocate will work with you one-to-one or can support you and your family to advocate for yourself.
Individual advocacy means being on your side and supporting your views.
Your advocate will listen to you, identify the issues they can help with, and provide information about your options.
SWAA also helps people individually or in groups to understand and defend their rights.
If we are unable to assist you, we will always refer you to someone who can.
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
DFFH develops and delivers policies, programs and services that support and enhance the health and wellbeing of all Victorians. DFFH assist those in the community who are most in need through housing, disability and children, youth, and family services.
NDIS – eligibility and access
Support people to obtain information and evidence for NDIS eligibility. This may include obtaining reports and assessments from doctors and or therapists. Advocates will also support people to appeal non-favourable decisions made by NDIS and also support people with their reviews. SWAA receives grants from DSS to enable us to provide this service free of charge.
Centrelink applications
Advocates assist people with completing the Disability Support Pension application, gathering relevant and vital information from other services they may be engaged with and submitting the application. We support people who need to apply for unemployment benefits, jobseeker or other related employment issues.