Rose Egerton

Rose Egerton

Rose comes to the Board with an Associate Diploma in Community Development from RMIT and a passion for self-advocacy and reliable accessible information for people with disabilities.
Rose co-facilitated an Enabling Women short course with Women with Disabilities where she first heard about SWAA and applied to join the board.
Rose worked for the Australian Communication Exchange relaying phone calls between the deaf and hearing community, a job she found both interesting and rewarding.
Rose uses her interest in craft, volunteering with the Hand knitters and Crochet Guild of Victoria, St John of God’s auxiliary and Community sew.
Rose has had a lifelong interest in community radio and now reads the news from The Standard on 3WAY-FM, this program was initially for the print handicapped but available to all.
Rose’s dislike of running brought her to take up rowing with Nestles Rowing club where she participates in and promotes Para rowing. Her hobbies also include walking with Gateway Plaza walking group and cycling with the Archie Graham Centre cyclists.

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